Here's My Problem: Dan Patrick
El Fuego esta extinguido, as Dan Patrick announced yesterday that he was leaving ESPN after 18 years. It's a very sad moment, as Dan, for me and legions of other SportsCenter fans, really was the face of the network. For those older than me, it might be Chris Berman; for those younger, it might be... wait, Stu Scott? Mike and Mike? John Kruk???
So I'm pretty sad to see Patrick go. The former college basketball player was the picture of consummate sports anchor professionalism, yet could also let loose with ol' Keith "Remember When I Was Funny?" Olbermann.
But here's my problem: Dan Patrick claims he's leaving ESPN "to try something different, something that will also be challenging and rewarding."
His departure had been rumored for some time, and if he ends up taking the Price is Right gig, then all the more power to him. But more likely is him simply starting a new radio show, unaffiliated with ESPN.
That's not something different, Mr. Patrick. That's exactly the same thing you've been doing for 8 years. If you're going to make such a cuckold out of me, at least have the common decency to tell me the truth.
Nitpicking? Probably. But don't worry, SportsCenter aficionados, Linda Cohn is sticking around. For now.
Labels: dan patrick, espn
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