The Day That Was: June 16, 2007
Sorry it's been such a long time since the last Day That Was, the NBA has been busy, yet un-newsworthy, and the headlines have been a little slow. We'll move towards baseball until football season starts, and hopefully get right back into the swing of things as summer goes on. If you're really lucky you might even get MORE than one post a day. Cross your fingers... but until then: The Day That Was
Pacman not connected to Vegas incident
Finally, after years of searching, a crime that Pacman Jones had nothing to do with.
Chris Henry in more trouble
Sure, Chris Henry helped beat up a 16-year-old, but to be fair, that 16-year-old was Amobi Okoye.
Andre Rison is broke
MC Hammer is jealous, already looking for a way to make money so he can go broke again.
Kobayashi might skip Coney Island Classic
This is our best guess as to why:
Mike Nolan allowed to wear suits for home games
For away games? Clown suits. Made by Reebok, of course.
Tom Coughlin wants less talk and more football
He would also appreciate a decent running back, a quarterback who missed less time for being grounded, and something besides a goddamn tie for father's day.
Paintball to the crotch during team-building activity sidelines rookie LaRon Landry
Their team-building woes didn't end there - Marcus Washington tore an ACL during trust falls.
Sammy Sosa hit a grand slam
A picture is worth a thousand words...

...and 599 homers.
We couldn't have said it better:
"With my witty charm, great body, and pivotal role in the film 'Airplane!' I could have become governor."Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, we would have voted for him.
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